


Tissue frequency chart

Frequency dependency of the permittivity and conductivity of cartilage, as can be viewed on the Tissue Frequency Chart  page.





Database at a Glance

Tissue-specific values for individual properties are displayed on dedicated pages, which can be accessed using the links to the right. In most cases, average values are displayed in a table that also includes standard deviations, maxima and minima, and the number of publications used to calculate the average. Tables are available for the densities, heat capacities, thermal conductivities, heat transfer ratesheat generation rates, viscosities, acoustic properties (speed of sound, attenuation constant, and non linearity), tissue weight fractions, and for MR parameters (longitudinal and transversal relaxation times). 

For EM simulations, the dielectric properties of a tissue at a specific frequency based on a parameterized fit can be extracted. The frequency dependency of every tissue can also be visualized as a chart and exported. Finally, an extended literature survey has been performed to compile values for the conductivity at low frequencies.


Additional information:

The downloadable files include:

  • a description of the data selection process with a summary of known issues
  • tables including the specific references associated with each tissue and each property (active link)
  • the list of all publications used to generate the database (with complete reference)
  • a log file of changes
  • the low frequency database in Excel and ASCII format
  • the general database in Excel, and ASCII format
  • the general database in h5 format for SEMCAD and Sim4Life users


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